The official service manual only lists 6 models: Service manual for Series B Thunderbolt: And it looks like the oldest Thunderbolts may only have had th...
Most of the sirens in Ardmore, Oklahoma are unrecorded, including the new Federal Signal Equinox just recently installed (replaced the courthouse RM-130).
Some of the old RM-130s were photographed before they were removed. Only one ambience video exists of them sounding off during a tornado warning.
Quick update: It's not a's an EQUINOX!!! Also, Ardmore has apparently switched all their siren controllers and activation system from ASC to Federal Signal.
A year or two ago, I released a video on my siren YouTube channel (Siren Archives) about Ardmore's siren system testing schedule and the fact that the last remaining RM-130 over there was still active and working. Just yesterday, I received a comment on that video claiming that the RM-130 has been r...
I think A and B have to do with the type of motor (1-phase vs 3-phase?)
And T denotes dual tone. So Thunderbolt 1000 is single tone and Thunderbolt 1000T is dual tone. The 1003 doesn't need the T because it only comes in dual tone.