I made quite a large discovery this afternoon.
In the city of Edinburgh, around 150(?) police boxes were installed in the 1930s. Turns out, a large number of these were used to mount Civil Defence sirens. For example, this article shows 2 images of Box '6A', where we can see that it once housed a Gents, and later Castle Castings(?), siren.
https://www.scottishpolicemedals.co.uk/ ... ice-boxes/
A handy map of all police boxes in the city can be found here:
https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewe ... 22443&z=20
Not all boxes on the map actually had sirens mounted upon them, so unfortunately I'll need to individually check each box to conclude whether or not it had one.
Box 6A is located at 55.94788571877504, -3.1945366227845504 now.
Of course, we must also address the issue that a lot of these boxes have moved location over the years, which raises the choice whether to map the original box location or its current resting point. I've chosen, for simplicity of mapping and also for the benefit of those wanting to see them today, to map the current location of the boxes.
Also of note is that a lot of boxes that once had a siren on them occasionally have the motor mount of the siren still attached the roof.
I haven't checked all of the boxes which don't exist anymore, so some of those may have had sirens too.
I'll periodically update this post with a list of locations as I find them.
Box 2's motor mount remains, due to construction works the box has been moved. Last seen on StreetView at 55.95301834969234, -3.195550313139576
Box 3's motor mount remains. 55.94446202287024, -3.1881718494424196
Box 5 (I think, may also be D15) has a mounting platform for a siren. 55.97727192818507, -3.179384952137074
Box A9 apparently is an alternative name for Box 6A, just to confuse everyone.
Box A10 has a mounting platform for a siren. 55.93828835143506, -3.193168197589146
Box A24's motor mount remains. 55.92600817537603, -3.192757648938473
Box A26's motor mount remains. 55.91627394226147, -3.2085363282682047
Box A28 has a mounting platform for a siren. There are also cables running up to the platform, which may have once powered it. 55.942215593734055, -3.1788080578129687
Box A39's motor mount remains. 55.91175959260211, -3.1633871720521802
Box A40's motor mount remains. 55.906343294783376, -3.1339671081870777
Box A43's motor mount remains. Once again, some cables leading to the mount remain. 55.95690145058017, -3.1656027047892694
Box A47's motor mount remains. 55.9000715903633, -3.163463791957882
Box A(P)3 has a mounting platform for a siren. 55.955083737505696, -3.1495562731686015
Box A(P)7 has a mounting platform for a siren. 55.94840624800934, -3.0996076670518193
Box A(P)9 has a mounting platform for a siren. 55.932982218919626, -3.1412608326955453
Box A(P)10 has a mounting platform for a siren. 55.945330528171226, -3.135554371692372
Box A(P)15 has a mounting platform for a siren. 55.96042666827458, -3.13548459045123
Box B8's motor mount remains. 55.962720620170806, -3.1999474687057385
Box B13' has a mounting platform for a siren. 55.95207753866841, -3.195615984507589
Box C1 has a mounting platform for a siren. 55.948927356234634, -3.208845270590811
Box C5 has a mounting platform for a siren. 55.946067904739905, -3.2235268581484124
Box C7 has a mounting platform for a siren. 55.95132971767165, -3.212987206769516
Box C10 has a mounting platform for a siren. 55.937755643576885, -3.2323757188886533
Box C12 has a mounting platform for a siren. 55.946274202203234, -3.236864943258677
Box C14's motor mount remains. 55.94326816905706, -3.287387153809358
Box C15's mounting platform remained, but the box has been removed. Last seen on StreetView at 55.94060057399133, -3.315309388273506
Box C16's motor mount remains. 55.96538894016099, -3.2746049934808465
Box C21's motor mount remains. 55.9250517497874, -3.2101565720893874
Box C36's motor mount remains. 55.960300074491364, -3.306167629408149
Box C46's motor mount remained, but the box has been removed. Last seen on StreetView at 55.90327588356113, -3.285093771799226
Box D8 has a mounting platform for a siren. 55.9699703472128, -3.1604142609552643
Box D9 has a mounting platform for a siren. 55.962743654674064, -3.1599687143915847
Box D15 (See Box 5)
Box D17 has a mounting platform for a siren. 55.97440223546314, -3.1897974758469787
Box D23... I couldn't for the life of me find it, so I have no idea whether there's a siren upon it or not.
These are all the ones I found, but as previously mentioned I didn't check most of the relocated/removed box locations. I've spent a good few hours on this know, so I'll probably call it in.
Also, here's an interesting page featuring Edinburgh residents' recollections of the sirens. It features the locations of some of the ex-building-mounted sirens:
http://www.edinphoto.org.uk/1_edin/1_ed ... _boxes.htm#
More information on the sirens can be found here: