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Modulator With Custom MCP

Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:02 pm

Severnside UK used for HAZMAT
Here's a link to a PDF on the system.
I would say MCP because of the soft, slow wind ups. The peak note of the whoop and pulse signals seem to be the same pitch as an ACA/ASC electronic siren in attack. The timing seems to be a bit off at times. Also the all clear/alert signal peaks at the same pitch as some older Whelens and T-121s, T-128s, 508s, etc. We need to see more Mods programmed to run like this in alert. I like it. 8)
Proud owner of a Model 1, SiroDrone, and sketchy MS-790.
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Re: Modulator With Custom MCP

Tue Apr 01, 2014 7:57 pm

The timing issue is nothing new for Mods...I've heard several of them do that, most if not all of them with Ultravoice controllers, though this one definitely sounds like an MCP. . I have no idea what causes it because if I understand correctly, the tone generators are all digital, unlike the ones on the Siratone controllers.

That Alert tone is great for a Mod. It would sound even better if it were dual tone.
Owner of a Federal Signal Model D

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