Hey everyone!
Recently a personal friend of mine and I decided to team up to create a enthusiast based outdoor warning siren controller. So in the process we are beginning to build a prototype enthusiast siren controller that will soon be available to the hobbyist level! Exciting right? I need your input though! Right now we are at the basic level. 3 minute alert, 3 minute attack (toying with the idea of some sort of physical timing wheel for attack), and cancel. We also were thinking of ideas for remote activation.
Right now the prototype will be very plug and play. Some ideas include adding remote activation via Ethernet port or radio, battery backup, and so much more! I want to hear any ideas you guys might have, though, that you think would make a great product and we will see what we can throw together. As of right now cost of the units could range anywhere from $30-$100 depending.
Lets hear those ideas!