One possible reason for that, is that not all computers are alike. Some of them don't have 4GB of RAM like today's computers do, and sometimes they have older processors. They want productivity as the first priority, not the look and appeal. It just uses up more RAM and wasted hard drive space, so there's no sense in making it look purty. They want it to work with all computers, not just certain ones.Jim Z wrote:You know, one common thing I've seen with custom written software like that, is no matter what it is for or what industry, the user interfaces are always horrible.
I guess this is what happens when you let engineers design an interface.
soccerdude7330 wrote:This would be good for that Modulator 1004 I have to go pick up, it was removed 3 years ago because it "quit workin".
How much does this software cost? It would most likely come in handy since the 1004 comes with the controls (UltraVoice). The controls are the older kind, though, the ones in the gray boxes.
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