Crazy day yesterday in central Illinois. Severe storms formed along a very slow moving cold front that just seemed to hover over us for several hours. There was a tornado sighted southeast of Champaign, a couple in Vermillion county and I believe one around Monticello, but I could be wrong. And of course there were sirens.
They went off here in Urbana for the first time around 2:30, and I was delighted to hear the last (?) remaining Thunderbolt 1000 (located on a parking garage on campus) bellowing out loudly and proudly below the numerous 2001s. They went off again around 3-something when doppler indicated yet more rotation.
It was one of those days when work is so incredibly boring that you welcome even dangerous fun, hence my boss and I standing out back for the entire warning period under a green and turbulent sky. It made the rest of the day go alot faster for sure.