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Resources for finding old systems

Mon Oct 10, 2022 3:10 am

Hey all. It's been awhile since I last logged on, but I'm glad to see this place is still going.
I'm trying to figure out what cities in my state had for their air raid systems back in the Cold War; I vaguely remember a document circling around that someone had fir government funding for sirens, but I can't exactly remember what it was called or where. Additionally, I was wondering if anyone had any other resources they use for this sort of thing, such as some sort of archive or something. I tried the J Marcoz site, but not much help there to be had.
Thanks, I greatly appreciate the help. If I missed a thread of this exact thing somewhere, I apologize.

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Re: Resources for finding old systems

Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:15 am

State of Utah siren map - My channel
STH-10, SD-10, 2 Model 2s

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Re: Resources for finding old systems

Mon Oct 10, 2022 7:43 pm

Thank you, that's the one. I wonder if we have anything else to go off of too, aside from local historical societies, which are great if you have the time to stop in.

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Re: Resources for finding old systems

Mon Oct 10, 2022 9:57 pm

If you got some cash on you, newspapers.com is a pretty great resource. They have papers covering most CD systems in the United States.

If newspapers.com doesn't turn out too well, I suggest trying to look up a newspaper archive for your state. I was very lucky to stumble upon virginiachronicle a while back and it has helped uncover siren information that I would've never known about in the state of Virginia.

If none of the two are available, another option you could try is a historic imagery website for your county or state. While imagery can sometimes be horrifying to look at, depending per county/district, you sometimes get lucky and find clear-shot imagery from the 20th century.

If none that are above are mentioned, well you'd have to take to the internet and hope whatever descriptions you get is hopefully accurate.

Hope this helps!
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