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What is going on in Texarkana's EMA?

Wed Dec 21, 2022 7:24 pm

Texarkana's sirens are supposed to wind-up weekly, every Wednesday at noon. Well now 80+ minutes after the clock hit 1200 and still no sirens on either side of the state line. I know for a fact that the sirens are active since I've heard one of the sirens do a weird dual alert cycle back in the summer. Are the systems just being silently tested? Also, I would definitely have heard at least one of the sirens, where I'm at is less than 2,000 feet from an FS 508-128, which is right next to a local creek. I know for sure they go off at other times since every siren (save for an inactive Thunderbolt) has rotated since I've last visited. This is now like the tenth time TK's system has screwed me over with inconsistent audible testing. Just wish I had some more information on what actually goes down with the real testing schedule.
Siren geek from South Texas. Although I've loved sirens for years, I've only recently begun digging into the rich history of civil defense. I also proudly own at least thirty weather band radios.

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Re: What is going on in Texarkana's EMA?

Wed Dec 21, 2022 10:28 pm

Some places forget to test all the time. It doesn't hurt to make a polite phone call after test time just to verify they are actually testing.
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Re: What is going on in Texarkana's EMA?

Sat Jan 14, 2023 6:02 am

I've attempted to record Texarkana multiple times in the past and have (mostly) had experiences where they simply don't test. There's been a few times when they were very picky about the weather, which caused them to cancel. I'm sure the installs being done on both sides of the city may also have an effect on their testing schedule.

My best tip is to just try and schedule around inclement weather and choose a unit that rotates often. Some of their older sirens have failed on me in the past.
Proud owner of a 1998 ASC RM-130, 1977 3T22A, 1989 Model 2, a couple of SiraTrols, and a two hundred pound vintage cash register.

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